Methodologizing The Bittersweet Estimation
Published at Mar 14, 2023
Estimations are crucial for software development teams as clients rely on them for launch plans, marketing strategies and budgetary decisions. Providing high-precision and high-accuracy estimations is important to gain clients trust and maintain reputation.
DevsHouse Workflow Product Scope
Published at Mar 06, 2023
Create a clear product vision and roadmap in just five days with the help of our expert team. Define your MVP user stories and prioritize features to ensure your product meets your goals.
DevsHouse Workflow Design Brief
Published at Mar 06, 2023
Craft a comprehensive design brief to guide your MVP development process. Ensure your UX and UI design aligns with your product vision and goals to create a user-friendly and engaging product.
DevsHouse Workflow Technical Brief
Published at Mar 06, 2023
Get a detailed technical brief outlining the recommended tech stack for your project, including a diagram demonstrating how these technologies will be used in developing your product's user stories and features.
DevsHouse Workflow Definition Of Done
Published at Mar 06, 2023
Together with our team, define the Definition of Done - a set of criteria that must be met before a user story can be considered “done”. Based on this definition, we will estimate the time and cost of your project.
DevsHouse Workflow Development
Published at Mar 06, 2023
After your app is fully designed and the Definition of Done is clearly defined, we begin the implementation phase. During this phase, we deliver app modules progressively so you can test them along the way.
DevsHouse Workflow Test and Go
Published at Mar 06, 2023
When your app is fully developed, we enter a testing phase. We work with you to fix major bugs and ensure your MVP is ready to go to market, so you can launch with confidence.
Mapped Types in Typescript
Published at Feb 22, 2023
Mapped Types are a very useful Typescript feature for reducing repetitiveness and keeping our code DRY.
Demystify NodeJS Event Loop
Published at Feb 22, 2023
Discover how NodeJS event loop works under the hood.